GIMIK Month for 80's Warpback
Bagets is to the 80's as GIMIK is to the 90's.. As ABS-CBN granted the wish of many, let us relive the 90's thru one of the best barkadas during that era--Gimik!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome to 80's Pinas extension blog!

This blog will contain:

80's Featured Foreign Film
(An 80's film that we have had the privilege to watch during our younger days)

Larong 80's
(Several childhood games that we used to enjoy during the good old days)

80's Rants
(Some of my personal stories about my happy childhood days)

80's Brand
(The popular items or famous brands back in the eighties)

80's Fast Track
(Things that happened after the eighties. It could be movies, gadgets, toys, commercials that are worth remembering just like those 80's stuffs that we used to love)

Thank you for taking your time in reading my blog. I hope I give you a little bit of satisfaction as you go through each of my entries. =]

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